The Love of My Life

The Love of My Life
I love you more than words can say

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wow, I haven't seen that in years...

So I stepped on the scale this morning and I saw a number I had not seen in years - 268. The last time I was in the 260's was over four years ago. I feel younger already (LOL).

I won't step on the scale for another week because I don't want to obsess or be disappointed because God knows that we fluctuate on our weights anywhere between 1-3 pounds given the time of day.

I am still keeping to the liquid diet, but I would really like to start the "mushies" earlier because I go back to work Monday and I don't know how my stomach is going to respond. Need to give that more thought.

I am happy today.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, good job! I would like to stress to you how important it is to stay on the liquid diet as long as possible, it really helps the healing of your band and prevents slippage later on. I have to do 3 weeks of liquid after I get banded. So, don't be TOO anxious to move on, because the liquids really help the healing!
